Shades of Gray to Bursts of Color

There had been ample warning of the coming blizzard. With little to zero visibility, it had blasted over the area and moved eastward. When we got up in the dark (no electricity) and the sun finally came up, we were still in shades of gray. 


The only color was the explosion of red from the shed and horse barn. There was a little tint of forest green in the pines. 


We have sat outside around our cosy campfire in winter, however if we do now, we have a lot of snow to get off the chairs and swing! 


The tiny pine tree, a gift from one of my kindergarten classes, struggles to keep her branches high while weighted down in a blanket of snow. 


It wasn’t long before the sun burst out turning our gray world into bedazzling color!


The brilliant cobalt blue sky framed each winter picture.


All of the evergreens where struggling under the thick white icing of snow. 


A few of the evergreens were more sheltered and had just an edging of white snow. 


Our old matriarch of the miniature horses, hoping for an apple treat, trudged through the deep snow to get to the shallower windswept area and the possibility of something sweet.


The timber was enticing as it shimmered and sparkled with the reflection off the snow decorating every tree and bush. 


The dogs certainly were eager to go play in the snowy timber.


Me too! Wait for me to get my skis on!


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